We were off to Oamaru last weekend for a big weekend of 5 shows. North Otago had three All Breed Shows and the Otago/South Toy shows returned to Oamaru for the first time since COVID.
The weather was a bit crazy. Saturday morning we showed in a cold fog. By Sunday morning all the exhibitors were standing in the ring with their back to the judge to provide a human shade shield for their dogs who were melting in the heat.
Despite that, we had a great weekend. Ben took all 4 Best of Breeds in the Long Coats Champ Shows, 4 Best NZ Bred of Breeds and 4 Best Dog CCs. He probably would have done better, but there were heaps of spectators at these shows who kept coming up to him while we were waiting for the group judging and giving him pats, posing for photos and generally being adored by the Pupperazzi. He was quite miffed when the cuddles stopped and he had to go back into the ring. It was funny, actually, watching him walk as slowly as possible, looking wistfully over his shoulder at his fan club, obviously wishing we just take him back for more adoration and less standing around being a show dog.
Much better behaved was our darling little Stellar 2 Chews - who bravely left mum, Debra, and big sis, Tinky, at home, to make the big trek south on her own. She took all 4 Reserve Best of Breeds in the Long Coats Champ Shows, 4 Best Intermediate of Breeds and 4 Best Bitch CCs. So, so proud of this girl, who we thought was lost to the ring after a fright as a puppy. Debra has done the most amazing job with her and the happy, confident little girl we knew as a baby is now there for all to see.
Our star of the weekend, however, was Scotty. Not only did he take all 4 Best of Breeds in the Smooth Coats in the Champ shows, but 4 Best Puppy of Breeds, 4 Best Dog CCs and a Best Puppy in Show!
We also entered the Open Show where Ben again took Best of Breed in the Long Coats, Best NZ Bred of Breeds and Best Dog. Stellar took Reserve Best of Breed, Best Intermediate of Breeds and Best Bitch. Scotty took Best of Breed in the Smooth Coats, Best Dog and Best Puppy of Group!
The shows were fabulous and it was great having the Toy shows back. Sunday was one of those days though, with the temperature climbing, that we took the team aside and gave them a stern talking to, along the lines of "nobody is allowed to win a group in the All Breeds show. We want to get packed up, on the road, out of this heat and into the car where it is air-conditioned, as soon as possible."
Such little troupers our guys. Didn't win a thing in the Toy Group as instructed. Every exhibitor should be so lucky to have such cooperative puppers, LOL.