You'll recall a couple of weeks ago, we brought you the story of one of our puppies, Elfie, who sadly came back to us when his young mum died of cancer.

The blog garnered thousands of views as so many people offering him a new forever home, some for quite considerable sums of money.
The decision about what to do with Elfie turned out to be a very easy one, when we were contacted by one of our wonderful Kitaco owners whose family includes not only Elfie's brother, Benji, but also his little sister, Indy.
Last year, when Rochelle's family learned we were planning to retire their mum, Chloe, and place her in her forever home, she immediately contacted us. We sent Chloe - the perpetual mum who refused to wean her puppies - down to live with her babies and Rochelle's wonderful family, and she has been settled in there happily, ever since.
Chloe attached herself to Rochelle's daughter, deciding on arrival that she would be her Significant Person and the two have become inseparable. Indy is Daddy's Girl, in a classic case of "I don't want a dog, but..." famous last words, while Benji is Rochelle's little soul mate.
Within minutes of the blog about Elfie going up, Rochelle was on the phone again. Where else, she pointed out, very reasonably, could we send this poor little man, but to live with his his mum, Chloe and his bother and sister, Benji and Indy?
Rochelle and her family are wonderful Chihuahua people and they have taken such good care of Chloe and her babies. It was the perfect solution, so Elfie flew to Invercargill on Thursday and arrived safe and sound in time for dinner.

Rochelle reports that he settled in immediately, almost as if he recognised his Mum and his siblings and knew he was "home". Indy is following him around, trying to show him her toys, Chloe quickly pulled him into line with the other two. so they all know who is in charge (she is such a mum) and now he's calmly investigating the house and his new garden while he figures out which member of the family is going to be his special person. He is strolling around the place like he's lived there all his life.
We are so grateful for Elfie to be with Rochelle, her family and his doggie family, too. We've advised Angeline's family in Nelson of his new placement and they are thrilled that he has gone to such a great home.
It's so rewarding to be reminded that our Kitaco owners are such a special group of people, and we are so thankful that all of them are a part of our extended Kitaco family.